Manually create a new expense
What is an income?
An expense in Nuvio is considered as all sorts of business expenses including cost of goods sold, operating expenses, employee salaries, taxes paid to government, loans, debts etc. If your business spent money on some activity, you can record it as an expense in Nuvio.
Creating an expense on Nuvio
There are 2 ways to create a new expense on Nuvio. First option is located on our top header on every page, you will see a "+" sign button. This is our shortcut button to create new items in Nuvio. Just click "+" sign and select "Add Expense" and you will be redirected to new income page. The second option is, open Left Navigation menu, and go Income -> Add New Expense options to create a new expense.
Once you hit the "Add New Expense" button, you see a page that asks for the income details.
Fill the fields explained below:
Reference No: This field is optional. Reference no is your expense's or bill's number on you receipt or you can assign a different number to reference it later.
Description: This field is for you to reference this expense later in your expenses list. It's a basic explanation for you to remind what was this expense for. Feel free to type anything here.
Tag: Tagging is an easy way to categorize your expense for further analysis. Create new tags (categories) and select those tags here.
Expense Date: Select the date that you made this expense on. This could be a previous or upcoming date based on your expense. You can always create an expense for the future date, especially useful for installment based expenses like loans, credits or rent payments.
Bought items: Type the item detail you bought. Optionally, if this item is an expense of a product (cost of goods sold) select the product/service you sold. Enter the unit price into the Net Amount field, select quantity and corresponding taxes and Nuvio will automatically calculate the Total Amount for that line item. You can add a new line item by clicking "Add New Row" button. All the line items will be summed in Total row.
Expense Attachment: You can attach an invoice or receipt image by browsing your computer or by a simple drag-drop.
After filling all the information, click "Save" to record your expense.
Last updated