Add or edit suppliers

Viewing Suppliers

To access your Suppliers page, click on My Company → Suppliers from the menu.

On the Suppliers page, you can view a list of all the suppliers you have added, see the total expense paid or will be paid to each supplier, and check the outstanding payables in their current accounts.

Nuvio Tips: As your number of suppliers increases, it will become harder to analyze and find them. Here’s a suggestion to make your work easier: Use the search bar at the top right to quickly search among your suppliers.

Adding a new supplier

To add a new customer, click the Add New Supplier button in the top-right corner of the Suppliers page. In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the following details:

Nuvio Tips: If you’re using Nuvio for analysis and tracking only, and not for invoicing customers, you can save supplier information faster by simply filling in the visible name field only, without entering any other information.

  • Visible Name: A simple and clear name for your customer that will be displayed on Nuvio screens. This name will not be used in invoice details; it’s only for easy viewing.

  • Company Legal Name: The full name of your customer’s company. This field will be used in the invoice details if you issue an e-invoice to your customer.

  • Tax ID: The tax number of your customer. This will be used in the invoice details.

  • Tax Office: The tax office your customer is registered with. This will be used in the invoice details.

  • Supplier Checkbox: Select this checkbox if this customer is also a supplier. If selected same business entity will be added to suppliers list automatically.

  • Contact Information: You can enter your customer’s address, phone number, and email information in this field. It will serve as a quick reference for contacting them. The email information is the address where invoice emails will be sent.

  • IBAN: If you want to store and quickly access your customer’s IBAN information, you can enter it in this field.

Last updated